Ключевые слова:
polycrystalline thin films, telluride cadmium, impurity, alloyage, thermal processing, anomalous photovoltages properties, spectrum of photoluminescence, the potential barrier, the border of grains, intensityАннотация
In the spectrum of low temperature photoluminescence of the fine-grained thin films is discovered a band of the own radiation, specified by the subsurface potential barriers on border of crystalline grains and marginal double-acting band, appearing as phonons repetitions of the band. The alloyage of the film by impurity leads to stewing double-acting band, but its further thermal processing to activation of the own band, short-wave offset of the red border and modulation of the full width on half maximum which is correlated with by the height of the micro potential barriers and temperature of recombined hot photocurrents.
Библиографические ссылки
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Copyright (c) 2024 Baxtiyor Polvonov, Muxayyoxon Khudoyberdieva, Mo‘ydinjon Abdubannabov, Gulruxsor Ergasheva, Zahro Tohirjonova, Shohjahon Mamasodiqov

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