DDoS hujumlarini aniqlashning tizimli tahlili


  • Karimov Sherzod Sobirjonovich TATU Nurafshon filiali
  • Fayziev Shavkat Ismatovich O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Hisob palatasi
  • Muxtarov Alisher Muxtorovich BuxMTI tayanch doktoranti

Ключевые слова:

DDoS-атаки, сетевые протоколы, объемные атаки, машинное обучение, модели и алгоритмы, большие данные, искусственный интеллект, нейронные сети


Mazkur maqolada DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) hujumlari bir yoki bir nechta manbalar orqali muayyan internet resursni ortiqcha yuklash orqali uni ishdan chiqarish hamda DDoS hujumlaridan foydalanib kelishayotganligi mazkur turdagi jinoyatlarni barvaqt aniqlash va ularga qarshi kurashishda sun’iy intellekt texnologiyalaridan foydalanish lozimligi ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan.  

Библиографические ссылки

G. Somov, I. Lavrinenko, V. Igamberdiev, and O. Saveliev (2021) – “K-means Clustering Based on DDoS Attack Detection”.

B. Bhatia and A. R. Sharma (2016) – “A Novel Hybrid Approach for Detection of DDoS Attacks Using K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Techniques”

Peng, T., Leckie, C., and Ramamohanarao, K. (2007) – “Survey of Network-Based Defense Mechanisms Countering the DoS and DDoS Problems”

Al-Yaseen, Z. A. Othman, and M. Nazri (2017) – “Multi-Level Hybrid Support Vector Machine and Extreme Learning Machine Based on Modified K-Means for Intrusion Detection System”.

Fayziev Sh.I., Khamrakulov U.Sh., Sadikov S.B., Mamadjanov B.N., Mamadoliyev Sh.X. Synthesis of Multidimensional Automatic Control Systems // International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies ICISCT 2021 Applications, Trends and Opportunities. ICISCT 2021, 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ ICISCT52966.2021. 9670178.

Fayziev Sh.I., Khamrakulov U.Sh., Sadikov S.B., Mamadjanov B.N., Mamadoliyev Sh.X. Development of a Methodology for Protecting a Software Package for Electronic Document Management // International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies ICISCT 2021 Applications, Trends and Opportunities. ICISCT 2021, 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ ICISCT52966.2021. 9670416

Fayziev Sh.I., Khamrakulov U.Sh., Sadikov S.B., Mamadjanov B.N., Mamadoliyev Sh.X. Development of a Methodology for Protecting a Software Package for Electronic Document Management // International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies ICISCT 2021 Applications, Trends and Opportunities. ICISCT 2021, 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ ICISCT52966.2021. 9670416

Fayziev Sh.I. Synthesis of an automatic control system with pulse-width modulation according to the speed criterion // ICISCT 2020 Applications, Trends and Opportunities -Tashkent.4-6 th of November 2020., 2020



Как цитировать

Karimov, S., Fayziev, S., & Muxtarov, A. (2024). DDoS hujumlarini aniqlashning tizimli tahlili. Потомки Аль-Фаргани, (4), 52–58. извлечено от https://al-fargoniy.uz/index.php/journal/article/view/511