Ключевые слова:
non-measurable disturbances, indirect measurement, object condition estimation, combined control systems, disturbance compensationАннотация
this article develops an algorithm for synthesizing a complex-shaped command-tracking system based on modal considerations by compensating for interference signals when there is an effect of unknown unobservable disturbances on the control object. In this case, the control signal is selected in such a way that the output of the object must accurately and inertibly monitor each command signal. By predicting the future character of the object when the state of the system can be measured directly, we can ensure the observation of command signals using linear feedback to the state.Using Cauchy's formula, the matrix obtained by zeroing the co-head due to the galaions in the equation representing the exact output of the object is an poor-conditioned matrix. A modified Greville's constructive algorithm was used to determine these pseudo-inverse matrices. The structure of the resulting tracking system is built. Its main elements are the identifier of the command signal, the identifier of the interrupts and the state of the object. If the matrices in the identifiers are selected correctly, the system provides high-precision tracking of command signals even in the presence of any interference.
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