Effect of Heat Treatment on the Photosensitivity of Polycrystalline PbTe Films AND PbS
Влияние термообработки на фоточувствительность поликристаллических пленок PbTe И PbS
Ключевые слова:
films, PbTe , PbS , polycrystal, heat treatment, charge carrier concentrations, electrical conductivityАннотация
PbTe and PbS films obtained on different substrates. It has been established that long-term heat treatment of PbS films leads to a change in the sign of the photovoltage at hv = 0.55 eV, and in the long-wavelength region of the spectrum at hv = 0.3 eV, the photoconductivity has a small maximum, which is due either to impact ionization or the generation of charge carriers from deep bands.
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