Reaserch of highly sensitive deformation semiconductor sensors based on AFV
Reaserch of highly sensitive deformation semiconductor sensors based on AFV
Ключевые слова:
anomaly photovoltaic voltaic film, generation aspects, photo generation, radiation detector, deformation, deformation process, analyzer, photovoltaic potencial, pressure, mechanical tension, polarized light, concentratorАннотация
The main object of work is analyses of generation aspects of anomaly photovoltaic film and create of devices based under of anomaly photovoltaic film. The next goal of work is wide approach to the of anomaly photovoltaic film parameters and knowledges on deformations. The deformation changes the optical parameters semiconductor thin films. An optical elastic effects. Its physical basis of factors of deformation affects based of the zonal diagram. Many condition causes the appearance of various optical and other electronic phenomena of the semiconductor films. of anomaly photovoltaic film element is thin semiconductor wich have anisotropy.
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